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Security Risk Assessment Framework for Different Vulnerabilities

One of the major setbacks of the fast-paced digital transformation experienced in recent years is the tragic rise in cybersecurity threats. Cybercriminals are getting more innovative and sophisticated by the day, often devising new, complex means of launching their attacks. And contrary to the beliefs of many, these criminals mostly target small and mid-size businesses (SMBs), knowing that they pay little to no attention in bolstering their security posture. The rate of vulnerability is so high that 43% of all data breaches target SMBs. Astonishing, huh! 

But what should you do as an SMB not to contribute to this mind-blowing statistic? Simple! It all begins with conducting a comprehensive security risk assessment to unmask all vulnerabilities. CyberUnlocked works hand-in-hand with MSPs and direct businesses all across the globe to provide security solutions required to prevent cyber-attacks and remain compliant with industry regulations. But for now, let's focus on how we conduct a security risk assessment to determine defects and vulnerabilities. 

Business Vulnerability Assessment Procedures

Our risk assessment procedure on business vulnerabilities focuses on analysing different processes, functions, and systems to develop a security framework that suits your organisation. After considering such factors as scope, size, and complexity, we embark on conducting business-specific risk assessments using the following techniques:

Vulnerability Scanning

It's a no-brainer; your computer's network infrastructure is the easiest way for hackers to gain unauthorised access to your systems and files. That's why one of the essential assessments that our cybersecurity experts conduct is vulnerability scanning. This involves using potent tools and expertise to inspect and identify potential risk areas that cybercriminals can exploit to steal or compromise your sensitive data. 

We may conduct the vulnerability scanning on your internal and external IT infrastructure or your managed service provider to uncover all the methods hackers can use to exploit your networks, computers, or communication equipment. After scanning for such vulnerabilities as default configurations, coding bugs, known flaws, and potential paths to sensitive data, we generate a detailed report that's useful in identifying opportunities to improve your security posture. 

Ethical Hacking

Ethical hacking, aka, penetration testing is the act of legally breaking into your network, system, or web application to gauge your preparedness/defences for a cyberattack. This simulated attack aims to notice and exploit all the weak spots that real hackers may use to compromise your system.

And the logic here is simple; if we can manage to hack into your system, another party with ill intentions can too. After completing the penetration testing, our cybersecurity experts will share their findings with your IT department or managed service provider. We can then use the information collaboratively to implement the security upgrades necessary to seal all the discovered vulnerabilities during the test. 

Automated Scanning

Let's be honest; some security vulnerabilities require more than just human creativity and intuition to unmask, thanks to their complexity levels. Thankfully, no matter how hidden a risk may seem, it can't hide from our cybersecurity team, who leverage the most advanced automated scanners to point out everything. 

Our automated scanning techniques are meant to supplement the above-discussed vulnerability scanning. They help in conducting hundreds of routine tests that would take humans ages to complete. We primarily perform automated scanning to detect web and cloud application vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, command injection, insecure server configuration, cross-site scripting, etc. Afterwards, we create an unbeatable action plan for beating the security risks before they become an incident. 

Compliance Reporting

There's no secret that evaluating your firm's security status is influential in developing a strategy for sealing all the loopholes that cybercriminals may leverage to wreak havoc. On top of that, it also helps in complying with regulations set by government agencies and regulatory bodies. 

As your security risk assessment partner, we'll also help you remain compliant with industry regulations like HIPAA, CMMC, PCI DSS, GDPR, etc., to avoid hefty fines and charges due to non-compliance. Our compliance reporting program involves reviewing your internal and external IT infrastructure to detect potential risks and creating a summary of the findings, pending the development of a mitigation strategy. 

CyberUnlocked is Your Go-To Security Risk Assessment Partner!

Are you ready to conduct an all-inclusive security risk assessment for your business to seal all the potential cyber-attack weak links? Our highly experienced and self-motivated CyberUnlocked team is more than willing to help you develop a customised security risk assessment framework to fish out all business-specific vulnerabilities. The assessment outcome can help you protect sensitive data assets while enhancing productivity, saving on costs, and increasing the bottom line. Request your FREE assessment today to get started! 

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